CHAD FARGO is an assassin for hire, a secret agent working for the American Government in the mid 1800s He has only ever been beaten in a gun duel by one man, FRANK CAIN, a fast shooter that Fargo has no knowledge of a connection between the two, a past that is deeply imbedded in their days as youths.
It's not until Fargo is sent to assassinate a gang of corrupt hellion's that the two gunfighters come face to face once for the second time in their adult lives. Agent Fargo has no illusions regarding the outcome of such a duel. Yet, on the very eve of the gunfight, Cain's real identity is revealed to his lesser opponent. The distant memory of how young Frank Cain had taken advantage of Chad's virgin sweetheart enrages the Secret Agent.
A deep sense of revenge that had been festering in Fargo's soul over the years, emerges like the waking of a sleeping giant, raising his abilities beyond anything Cain can compete with.
In the main street of town, Chad Fargo finally sends Frank Cain to the hell he deserves, a man with No Soul in life, and No Soul in death.
If Chad Fargo is to avoid following his nemesis, he must to lay down his guns.